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# Tailchat-Assistant
**Tailchat Assistant is your very own AI-powered chat bot, ready to implement into your guild!**
# Problems?
Reach out to me at [contact@povario.com](mailto:contact@povario.com) if you encounter any issues.
# Prerequisites
- A [Tailchat](https://tailchat.msgbyte.com/docs/deployment/docker-compose) server (duh)
- Make sure the "Openapi Platform Plugin" and "App Integration" plugins are enabled
- An OpenAI API Key / OpenAI API compatible service ([LocalAI is recommended](https://localai.io/basics/getting_started/))
- If you are using something like LocalAI, be sure to have a decently powerful machine to make response times as fast as possible!
## Included
- A sensible system prompt
- Persistent storage in a `messages.json` file
- Only messages to and from the bot are written to disk.
- Automatically detect and analyze images
- Generate images with the prefix "Please generate:"
## Not inlcuded
- Any LLM, API endpoint, API keys or anything similar
- Filtering or moderation
- Extensive testing of the system prompt, so no rigorous testing of declining dangerous/illegal requests users may present
# Getting started
**Choose how you want to run the bot:**
- [Normally (with `npm`)](https://git.povario.com/powermaker450/Tailchat-Assistant/src/branch/main/BARE.md)
- [Docker](https://git.povario.com/powermaker450/Tailchat-Assistant/src/branch/main/DOCKER.md)