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Running Tailchat Assistant in Docker

  1. Clone the project:
git clone https://git.povario.com/powermaker450/Tailchat-Assistant && cd Tailchat-Assistant
  1. Create the .env file from the example file:
mv .env.example .env
  1. Make sure that the "Openapi Platform Plugin" and "App Integration" plugins are enabled. Then follow the instructions here to create an App.
  2. Open up the .env file with your preffered text editor and populate the file: NOTE: Due to the way Docker organizes containers and networks, your HOST and API_ENDPOINT variables will likely not be localhost. Use the container names or IP's instead.
# wherever your Tailchat server is running

# your bot ID

# Your bot secret

# The OpenAI-compatible endpoint for the bot to send messsages to. Defaults to "http://localhost:8080/v1"
# e.x. "http://localhost:8080/v1", "https://api.openai.com/v1"

# Your API key here for OpenAI/LocalAI. Defaults to the string "none".
# MAKE SURE to fill this in with your OpenAI API Key or a key you may have set for LocalAI.
# If you didn't set the API key for LocalAI, you may leave this blank.

# The model to query when sending text messages. Defaults to "gpt-4"
# e.x. "gpt-3", "gpt-4"

# The model to use when creating images. Defaults to "stablediffusion-cpp",
# e.x. "dall-e-3", "stablediffusion-cpp"

# The model to use when analyzing images. Defaults to "gpt4-vision-preview".
# e.x. "gpt-4-vision-preview", "llava"

# The ID of the channel that the bot is allowed to respond in.
# The bot will always respond to Direct Messages.

# When this character/string is detected anywhere in a message, the bot won't respond to it.
# Defaults to "\".
  1. After populating the .env file, start the container:
docker compose up -d

Docker will build the container image and start the project. Use docker compose logs -f to make sure everything is working and no errors have occured.